人類歷史中有一段很耐人尋味的過去,從人類文明史中的記載,不難發現幾千年前的人類曾經不約而同地記載了一段全球性的毀滅災難。更值得一提,古代文明(蘇美爾文明)除了以文字記載這段遠古歷史,以圖畫、浮雕形式記載 Planet X (Nibiru) 對人類文明的毀滅性衝擊---為了向後世的今日作出相應的提示及警告。一個無聲而忠實的警告!
亦由於如此,蘇美爾古文明的眾多古文物中都有對地球發生過嚴重災難的記載,用以警告後世,其中蘇美爾人的文明是自數千年前挪亞洪水後的一個極高度發達的文明,其文明清楚記載了Planet X (Nibiru)的見證及洪水後劫後餘生的實證。
Nibiru - Planet X 在5000多年前清楚被浮雕記載
Nibiru - Planet X 在5000多年前清楚被浮雕記載
震撼他們世代的一次全球性大災難,作為比今天 NASA 更早記載 Planet X 的史實文獻資料,Nibiru – Planet X 的而且確是有重臨太陽系接近地球的一天。透過這些古文物的發現,除了印證了「挪亞大洪水」的真確,更證明聖經中描述的的大洪水是與 Planet X-Nibiru 完全有關,無論是蘇美爾人的歷史年代和所記載的實況都是指著挪亞大洪水事件。雖然數千年前的人類不知道他們的記載會存留多久,亦不清楚會被多少個世代後的人理解他們的忠告,但事實上,古文明的記載除了是一段可信歷史,亦是一個對後世可信的警告。不但如此,這些古文物除了有歷史價值外亦是一個對警號,警告 Planet X 的再來亦同樣會引發全球性災難,這一日就是聖經所講:「耶和華的日子」再來!!你需要及早選擇神成為你的方向!
(Oct 31) City workers on Tuesday began the smelly task of removing at least 15,000 fish found dead on Lake Madeline in Galveston, Texas. (Source)
(Oct 31) More than 125,000 laying hens have been culled at a farm in Northern Ireland following the discovery of salmonella gallinarum. (Source)
(Oct 31) Millions of these little fish, all dead, in a great strand, all along the Illawong Beach in Australia. (Source)
(Oct 31) Over 33,000 birds the Central Poultry Development Organisation in Bangalore, India, will now be culled to prevent the spread of the highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1). (Source) (Oct 26) About 3,600 Turkeys have died of avian influenza (H5N1) in Bangalore, India. (Source) (Oct 15) Authorities in Bhaktapur’s Bode in Nepal have culled more than 1500 chickens following a suspected outbreak of bird flu. (Source)
(Oct 28) Shoals of fish were found some dead, some alive, along the east coast of India. They were predominantly sardines and skip jack tunas, with big fish like eel and mullet (gal maalu) also in significant quantities. (Source)
(Oct 26) Dozens of whales beached themselves and died on North Andaman Island in the Bay of Bengal in India this week, the first time that such a large number of whales have died in the area. (Source)
(Oct 26) A fish kill at the Iowa Great Lakes is still a mystery for environmental officials. It’s primarily happening on the lower chain of lakes, affecting mostly transparent and yellow bass. File Photo (Source) (Oct 26) The DNR is investigating a fish kill in Prairie Creek just west of Blairstown in Benton County, Iowa. (Source)
Deer deaths continue to rise due to epizootic hemorrhagic disease or EHD across the Country.
(Oct 25) Michigan – More than 11,000 deer, up from 900 last month, have been reported dead of EHD. (Source) (Oct 24) Missouri – There were more than 5,000 cases as of Oct 10. (Source) (Oct 9) Nebraska – Over 4,768 reported deaths attributed to the disease in the past few weeks. (Source) (Oct 7) North Carolina – Hundreds of deer have died of EHD but those are just the reported cases — the number of deaths could be in the thousands. (Source) (Oct 5) Illinois - 2,043 reported deaths. (Source)
(Oct 24) A dead whale, estimated to be about 54 feet long, lied sprawled across the beachfront in Rockport, Massachusetts. (Source)
(Oct 23) Scallops suffer massive die-Off in New York. (Source)
(Oct 23) The mass deaths of fish in some coastal areas of Sri Lanka were found to be due to natural causes – the lack of oxygen in water, increase of temperature of sea water due to monsoons and decay of plankton they eat. File Photo (Source)
(Oct 22) There’s a fish kill involving “tens of thousands” of gizzard shad on the shore of Oneida Lake in Bridgeport, Central New York. (Source)
(Oct 21) A 14-metre-long male whale, which has been dead for at least 10 days and a dead dugong (a relative of the manatee), measuring two metre long, were found washed ashore in the Vadakadu and Panaikulam seashore, respectively, off the Palk Strait in Rameswaram in India. (Source) (Oct 11) An injured big whale, which later died, was seen floating at Balipatha near the Devi river mouth in India. (Source)
(Oct 21) An entire shipment of Australian sheep stranded in the Pakistani port city of Karachi has been culled after authorities said the flock of 28,600 carried disease. (Source) (Oct 9) Over 400 cows and goats have died due to some unknown disease in Assam, India. (Source)
(Oct 19) A 25-foot whale washed up on More Mesa Beach on Friday, and the Santa Barbara County Public Health Department in California plans to have it towed out to sea this weekend. (Source)
(Oct 19) Dead doves have been popping up all across the Permian Basin in Texas. The trend of sick or dead doves goes back to early August. The birds were found in Midland, Odessa, Big Spring and other surrounding areas. Scientists found the cause to be a virus in the group of avian paramyxovirues. (Source)
(Oct 19) Environmental experts in Namibia are puzzled after finding a high number of flamingos and avocets in the Walvis Lagoon Bayer dead. For about four weeks, dead birds are picked up by residents almost daily. Such a phenomenon has not happened here before. (Source)
(Oct 19) Cases of bird flu have been reported in Dien Bien, Vietnam. Since the outbreak, authorities have detected and culled more than 1,000 sick livestock in the commune. File Photo (Source)
(Oct 18) Nearly 300 dead or dying loons and other fish-eating birds are found on the beaches of northwestern Michigan’s Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore the past few days — all victims of botulism that has scientists concerned about the changing ecology of the Great Lakes. (Source)
(Oct 17) Pakistan’s disaster relief agency estimates that weeks of monsoon flooding have killed 455 people and affected more than five million others. Officials said every section of the country has been affected over the past five weeks. The southwestern province of Baluchistan suffered the most loss to livestock, with nearly 7,000 cattle killed. File Photo (Source) In Sualkuchi, India, nearly 500 to 600 cattle have been affected by disease after the second wave of floods. (Source)
(Oct 17) Thousands of bass die-off prompts investigation in Dickinson County lakes in Iowa. (Source)
(Oct 17) Dead fish are continuing to show up on the beaches and in the water of the Neuse River in North Carolina. Some fish are floating, others are sinking to the bottom, but with a peak of 90 dead fish per foot, he estimates the total number could be in the millions. (Source)
(Oct 16) An 8.1 metre Minke whale and calf washed up on shore the Black Point Beach in Nova Scotia, Canada. (Source)
(Oct 16) The youngest of four young pilot whales rescued from a mass beach stranding on Sept. 1 in St. Lucie County, Florida died unexpectedly. The whales are the only ones that survived out of 22 sickly whales, of all ages, that beached themselves at Avalon State Park Beach. (Source)
(Oct 16) A group of long-finned pilot whales has been buried after stranding on a remote East Cape beach in New Zealand. The 51 whales came ashore in two-metre swells at Whangaparaoa Beach, near Cape Runaway, early on Sunday. Forty-four of the whales died relatively quickly from natural causes, while the other seven were injured during the stranding and were euthanised. (Source)
(Oct 15) The deaths of a dolphin, three turtles and a seven-meter, 8-ton whale shark at the weekend have illustrated the Phuket region’s losing battle to save its marine environment. (Source)
(Oct 13) Wildlife officials Friday afternoon were trying to determine what killed a young and healthy female moose found on Sylvan Lane in Weston, Massachusetts. (Source) (Oct 10) A fresh moose carcass was discovered along the Selkirk Crest’s popular Harrison Lake Trail in Washington State prompting local Forest Service officials to issue a wildlife hazard warning. (Source)
(Oct 13) A 6m strap-toothed whale, a species of beaked whale, washed ashore at St Kilda Beach in New Zealand. (Source)
(Oct 13) A parasite that causes fish to choke to death has resulted in hundreds of tonnes of salmon being killed in fish farms across the Western Isles, Scotland. (Source)
(Oct 12) In Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, an oarfish washed ashore on the bustling Medano Beach, which features a view of the end of the Baja California peninsula. Oarfish are deep-water denizens that are rarely seen. But because of their long, slender appearance, and their bright-orange dorsal fins and manes, they helped spawn myths of sea serpents and sea monsters among ancient mariners. They’ve been known to reach lengths of 30-plus feet. (Source)
A series of earthquakes may be responsible for sending a rare deep ocean fish to its death on a beach in Baja – oarfish are traditionally known as the harbinger of a powerful earthquake. There are scientific theories that deep sea fish are sensitive to the movements of tectonic plates and may act uncharacteristically before an earthquake.
Dozens of great oarfish were found washed up on the shores of Japan roughly a year before the massive March 11 earthquake. The most recent sighting was on December 21, 2011, causing a commotion among the locals that another big earthquake may soon strike Japan. (Source)
(Oct 12) THOUSANDS of fish have died in a Top End creek in the Northern Territory in Australia. (Source) A WEEKEND downpour in the Northern Territory has resulted in thousands of fish dying in the Katherine River. The mass fish kill at the popular river is thought to have been due to a combination of warmer temperatures and heavy rains on the weekend washing organic matter into the waterways. (Source)
(Oct 11) Nearly 50,000 of bangus (milkfish) went belly up in Dagupan City in the Philippines. (Source)
(Oct 10) A post mortem examination on the 11ft female juvenile whale which died after it beached at Fraisthorpe in the UK showed it was many miles from its usual feeding grounds and hadn’t fed for some time. The Sowerby’s beaked whale died from a bacterial infection of the brain, called vibrio vulnificus. (Source)
(Oct 9) A GROUP of former inmates lost about $13,000 after 8000 tilapia from their fish farm in Nadi, Fiji, mysteriously died. (Source)
(Oct 9) A large section of coastline in South Africa has been closed after a 30-metre whale washed ashore following an attack by Great Transparent sharks. Authorities say it’s possible the whale was already dead when sharks ripped into it. (Source)
(Oct 9) The largest red tide bloom to affect Southwest Florida in years stretches nearly 100 miles from Lee County to Pinellas, with reports of fish kills and irritating red-tide air concentrated in Sarasota County. The widespread nature and intensity of the bloom, strongest off Charlotte Harbor, is the largest to affect the Sarasota area since 2007. More than seven tons of dead fish have been scooped up from Sarasota County beaches alone. (Source)
(Oct 9) Anthrax has killed hundreds of animals mostly in the communal parts of Manicaland in Zimbabwe within the past two months. Though there were no immediate reports of human deaths in the outbreak. (Source)
(Oct 7) Residents all over Chicago have been reporting a bizarre increase in bird carcasses over the last few weeks–most of them without any visible wounds–while the City of Chicago picked up 150 dead birds in September, a 50% increase from the month before. The phenomenon isn’t limited to a single species. (Source)
(Oct 7) A dead finback whale more than 50 feet in length was found floating in Boston Harbor early Sunday morning — a rarity for the area, officials said. (Source)
(Oct 7) A striped dolphin, possibly a male and approximately seven-feet long and 300 pounds, was found near a jetty at Lincoln Boulevard beach in New York. (Source)
(Oct 7) Fish farmers are incurring heavy losses due to epidemic deaths of climbing fish, locally known as koi, in Bangladesh in the last two months. (Source)
(Oct 5) More than 1,000 fish have been killed following a chlorine contamination incident in one of the last salmon-bearing streams in Vancouver, Canada. (Source) (Oct 4) Volunteers at a fish hatchery on the Coquitlam River in British Columbia, Canada, are devastated after something killed 15,000 coho fry in their tanks last month. (Source)
(Oct 3) Three more endangered rhinos were found dead on Monday in the flood waters of the Kaziranga National Park in Assam, India. While eight rhinos in the park have so far died in the ongoing third wave of floods which began on September 26 (Source) and nearly 600 wild animals including rhinos perish due to floods in July. (Source)
(Oct 2) A crew on the Mississippi River near the Highway 190 bridge spotted a four to five-foot dolphin and suspect it’s from the Gulf of Mexico. (Source)
(Oct 2) The Australian government admits the Great Barrier Reef has been neglected for decades after a study showed it has lost more than half its coral cover in the past 27 years.(Source)
(Oct 2) Scores of dead fish were found floating in the temple pond in Teppakulam, India. File Photo (Source)
(Oct 2) Complaints about dozens of dead bass, bluegills, catfish, carp and other fish lying on the surface of Rohnert Park’s Roberts Lake in California have been streaming in to the Press Democrat, online forums and even the city government. (Source)
(Oct 2) Locals on a remote island in eastern Indonesia on Tuesday cut up several dead pilot whales for food after a mass stranding that killed at least 41 of the mammals, an official said. A total of 44 pilot whales beached themselves late Monday on the island of Savu in East Nusa Tenggara province, where there is a culture of whale hunting for consumption. (Source)
(Oct 1) A 40-foot humpback whale has washed ashore near a Kodiak Island community and probably will be a feast for the island’s famous bears, according to a whale expert. File Photo (Source)
(Oct 1) A whale,which is about 10m (33ft) in length, has died after beaching on a shingle bank off the Suffolk coast in the UK. (Source)
First the sea life, then follows more disease and pestilence and mass kill offs of humans. Sound depressing? Well things are just getting started! By the way, avoid swimming in lakes and ponds, because every body of water is becoming infected with viral diseases. If you enter the water with a cut or swallow the infected water, you will most likely get a very bad infection or a virus if ingested and it will spread throughout your body either way.
(Nov 11) A critically endangered Bryde’s whale has washed up dead on Motuihe Island in the Hauraki Gulf in New Zealand. (Source)
(Nov 9) HUNDREDS of dead fish have been found washed up in St Peters Billabong in New South Wales, Australia. (Source)
(Nov 9) A rare dolphin washed ashore in La Jolla in California earlier this month with a bite mark that may be from a great transparent shark. (Source)
(Nov 7) The Ohio Department of Natural Resources’ Division of Wildlife estimates that at least 6,900 fish and tadpoles died when a newly installed manure system developed a blockage. File Photo (Source)
(Nov 7) WATERBIRD experts are unsure why so many birds are dying on Lake Neangar in Victoria, Australia. (Source)
(Nov 7) Hundreds of dead fish were found along a seven-mile stretch of Bradford Branch and Bradford Creek in Ohio. (Source)
(Nov 7) An outbreak of anthrax has killed at least 30 hippopotamus and wiped out nearly 50 percent of the rare roan antelope population in South Africa’s famed Kruger National Park wildlife reserve. (Source)
(Nov 6) More than 100 cases of hemorrhagic disease have been reported in sick or dead deer in southern parishes along the Mississippi River in Louisiana. Deer deaths continue to rise (Sept, Oct) due to EHD across the Country.(Source)
(Nov 6) SCOTTISH fish farms are spreading a deadly parasite that now kills more than a third of wild salmon in the north-east Atlantic. A new international study found “unexpectedly large” numbers of wild salmon are dying in European waters every year, with 39 per cent killed by the flesh-eating lice. (Source)
(Nov 5) More than five hundred pigeons suddenly dropped dead at a village in Bihar’s Bhagalpur district in India over the last four days, causing residents to fear that something was amiss. (Source)
(Nov 5) Six dead grey seal pups were found on the shore by Sauðárkrókur in Northwest Iceland. (Source)
(Nov 4) At least 1 240 cattle have died across Zimbabwe due to persistent drought, as the government battles to provide adequate relief to affected farming communities. File Photo (Source)
(Nov 4) For a third successive day, locals have discovered distressed animals beached on the islands northwest of Tasmania in Australia. On Saturday, 60 pilot whales and 20 bottlenose dolphins were found on New Year Island. (Source)
(Nov 4) Department of Livestock Services (DLS)in Bangladesh culled more than 4000 poultry birds as the avian influenza has started to inject the local poultry farms in onset of winter. File Photo (Source)
(Nov 3) In a dramatic scene along the Lake Michigan shoreline in Schoolcraft County, researchers have recently discovered the carcasses of nearly 700 dead waterbirds, thought to be the victims of Type-E botulism. (Source)
(Nov 2) The body of a 13.6m (44.6ft) whale has been found washed up on a Dorset beach in the UK. Specialists believe the animal could be a juvenile fin whale – the second largest species of whale in the world. If correct, this will be the first recorded fin whale reported dead or alive in Dorset. (Source)
(Nov 2) On Friday, 13 dolphins were found beached at Quarantine Bay on King Island in Tasmania, Australia. (Source)
(Nov 1) An investigation is underway to determine the deaths of dozens of sea turtles that washed up on Egypt’s Mediterranean shore last week. (Source)
(Nov 1) Casualties of Hurricane Sandy included 1 million unfortunate bees at the Brooklyn Grange’s Navy Yard urban farming project. Twenty-five hives each containing around 40,000 bees were torn apart Monday night. (Source)
More at http://endtimesrevelations.wordpress.com/ The data come from : http://2012glorioushope.blogspot.hk/